This week I experimented with some landscape photography. Before I went out, I watched this video by Mark Denney (2019). In this video, he summarizes five mistakes that people make when taking landscape photographs. The mistake that I found the most relevant to me is taking snapshot photos (Denney, 2019). Mark describes that many beginners (me included) will take snapshot photos that don’t have a clear subject or focus, and usually these photos will have twigs or branches that come into the frame which take away from the photo (Denney, 2019). He suggests asking yourself, why do I want to take this photo? What do I find interesting in this landscape? Another thing that I took out of this video was that it is important to shoot whenever you can, but really focus your efforts on sunset and sunrise (Denney, 2019). The light at both those times is very different than the light half an hour after or before because mid-day sun usually causes flat light (Denney, 2019). With this video in mind I tried to take some landscape photographs, but they did not really turn out. However, practice makes perfect so I will keep trying and experimenting!

Here are a couple of nature photos I took without the use of Mark Denney’s expertise.


Denney, M. (2019). 5 Beginner Landscape Photography Mistakes to Avoid. Retrieved from