I think using a flipped classroom style of teaching in a science class would be beneficial to students. The flipped classroom allows a more individualized learning experience where students can work at their own pace on their own or in small groups (Trach, 2020). Flipped classrooms have been shown to be a more student-centred learning experience, as the teacher can address student’s needs individually instead of addressing the whole class (Trach, 2020). In these types of classroom settings, it is best to have a discussion or hands on activity to help students grasp the concept that they learned on the online portion (Trach, 2020). This can also help the teacher see where clarification is needed and which parts of the concept students understand (Trach, 2020). The one downside I see to this classroom style is that it assumes that all students will have access to a computer and internet (Trach, 2020). I think over this pandemic, it has become clear to educators that not all students have the same access to technology. I wonder if there are different ways that flipped classrooms could be achieved still but be modified for those students that don’t have access to a computer? Maybe the teacher could present these students with written text and paper handouts these students to still be able to participate in this new beneficial classroom setting.



Denney, M. (2019). 5 Beginner Landscape Photography Mistakes to Avoid. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWdwkkzFg3M