I found the EdCamp very useful and interesting. The only other time that I have been involved in an EdCamp was when I went to Esquimalt High School’s Pro-D day last month and it was very similar to the one that we did in class. So far, I have really enjoyed participating in EdCamps because they allow for inquisitive conservation to occur between colleagues. They are also cool because they are based around what the participants want to learn and what they are interested in, whereas on other Pro-D days the topics are predetermined. These types of camps give everyone a chance to share their interests, knowledge, and experiences, which I think is beneficial and helps educators to learn. One downside to EdCamps is that the participants can sometimes get off-topic; I experienced this in our in-class camp. However, it’s important to remember that off-topic conversations can be beneficial and lead to a new and enriching topic to investigate. Another benefit of these EdCamps is that they are open to all, no matter your role in education, this allows for diverse knowledge to be included in the conversation. At the bottom of this blog, I have posted a video that demonstrates the key aspects of EdCamps. http://https://youtu.be/gr7teMAk-hA
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